Monday, May 31, 2010
Episode V
Further, she's like shit talking a 20 year old kid, trying to emotionally psych him out! You're like 50 years old! What is up with that? Also, the woman you're with is the mother whose child is best friends with the kid you're trying to psychologically intimidate?
I am trying to figure out this Kim "G" (have we noticed how they are called "G" even though their last name was said twice in this episode) woman. Is she just desperate to get on tv? Is Andy Cohen going to bring her onto the show, and is this their way of introducing her to the world a la the introduction of the new New York housewives? Either way, she and Danielle are good for one another because they're both more or less using one another it seems like. A symbiotic parasitic relationship!
As for that crazy birthday party thrown for Gia. It looked fun, but who the hell thinks it's a good idea for someone that young to ride around (helmetless) with their younger sister on the back (also helmetless). Gia's little red headed friend dressed in black was visible in the back ground with this really skeptical look on her face.
Anyway, return tomorrow for an update complete with dinner.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dining Out
We went to La Lanterna Cafe & Grill. It's this great little Tuscan restaurant in Ridgewood, NJ. First of all, we ate outside. They have this great little semi-enclosed eating area outside. Wrought iron furniture, exposed brick walls, an all around nice ambiance. It was nice sitting outside, but staying dry thanks to the above head enclosure. Secondly, the restaurant is family owned and operated. The wife and husband that own the restaurant both work there, he is the chef and she manages the floor. She was very friendly and his food was delicious!
So the important thing: what did we eat? Well this place is BYOB, so I stopped at a liquor store and picked up some Hoegaarden while walking over from the Ridgewood train station to this restaurant (another nice thing, this restaurant is a five minute walk from the train! So convenient). We shared an appetizer of calamari, and for entrees, my mother had a crab dish with broccoli rabe and I had pesto with penne. The calamari was really light and refreshing. Not overly fried or battered like a lot of places like to do. It was cooked really well. My mom felt the pesto was on the creamier side, but I didn't really think that so much. I thought it was good. The basil was very fresh! My mom liked the soft shell crab and the broccoli rabe, she had fewer leftovers than I!
I think my mom and I are going to go back over the summer, on a warmer, less rainy day! This place is definitely enjoyable for many reasons and if you live in the Northern New Jersey I would recommend you go!
Anyway, I am in the middle of packing. I am going away for the long weekend (No, not the shore. We're not all stereotypes here in Jersey). No cooking or updating for a few days! But check back in June (a new month-time flies)!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's Bacon!
I was looking forward to tonight's dinner. Teresa described it as a traditional dish, hugely popular in Italy, and as "peasant food." One of my favorite Northern Italian dishes of all time is peasant food (see ribollita, which literally means "reboiled," I had it in Tuscany and it was hands down one of the best things I ate while there). Needless to say expectations were high. Were they met? Yes! Tonight's dinner was up there on the list in terms of tastiness. Bucatini All'Amatriciana is great!
This dish had pancetta, which is kind of like Italian bacon, so obviously totally delicious! Actually, while it was cooking it kind of reminded my of a Jersey classic, Taylor Ham (confession before this I had never actually cooked pancetta at home, only had it eating out at Italian restaurants).

This dish took about 40 minutes total time to make, there was a fair amount of prep, chopping you know? But it was really delicious. There was this great flavor, a little bit of spice, a really decent amount of salt (pancetta is cured pork), and some acidity. It all worked well together.
It was a hit with the family, too. There's none left. Even my (super slender) mother, who is under the weather with an upper respiratory infection and claimed to have "little appetite" because of this, had two servings! Just saying.

Next meal will probably be blogged on Thursday as I am going away with some friends for the long weekend!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Episode IV
Less cute, the creepy guys at Scores that were totally ok with showing their faces on national television while receiving lap dances. Your buddies will think you're cool for about five minutes, but you're going to regret that at some point!
But this episode was filled with juxtaposition (babies being born, babies falling seriously ill- and all the best to that family, I hope the baby is doing better), stereotypes (guns, felons, Italians, threats, Jersey. Not that I mentioned the "M" word), ambition (the face of
I have a feeling that most things in Danielle's life are transient in every sense of the word. So she's putting together a gang of her own, a new group for the time being, but will we see them again after next episode? She's recruiting people to go against the Manzo clan for this upcoming rumble at the Brownstone, only adding kerosene to smoldering embers of disdain these people hold for one another. Caroline is no better in this episode though, particularly in those last five minutes of the show! Her rhetoric was near-Jihadist: "don't call them your friends if they're not having me or Dina present the check" kind of sounded like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" in some sort of way. And it seems like whatever small dissent from the family there might have been in this episode, the family is going to ban together for next week.
All said, next week is going to bring the crazy.
And tomorrow I'm going to update with a delicious new dish. Make sure to check it out!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Welcome Back Dinner
I made to date what I consider simultaneously the easiest and most delicious recipe! Gorgeous Garlic Shrimp. This dish was so light and refreshing, and so so simple. It was really the perfect meal for last night. It was 75 degrees out at 8:30pm, so this summery dish with a glass of crisp, dry white wine was just necessary.

And how was the cooking? Well, of course cooking sea food always runs the risk of creating an overwhelmingly low tide scent. I just turned the fan on in the kitchen, and really the smell was nothing. Further, between prep work and cooking this dish probably took no more than 15 minutes to make.

I mean, can it get any better than lite, refreshing, simple to make and fast to cook?! I STRONGLY recommend this dish to anyone that's looking for a great dish to serve on a summer afternoon/evening.

Next meal will be next week. Maybe Monday or Tuesday!
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Break From La La Land

What do you guys think, did Kelly forget to take her drugs or does she have one hell of a coke hook-up down on the Virgin Islands?
Ok, not that I should joke because in all seriousness that was bizarre and strange and god knows. I've always kind of thought that Kelly had some delusions of grandeur about herself, and that yeah maybe she was in la la land half the time. But last night Kelly not only had a psychotic break from reality, she had one from la la land. There was nothing la-la-ish about that at all. She was paranoid, delusional, and making no sense (which I did not think this woman could make any less sense than what we've already seen). I mean, as the night progressed her claims became more extreme. From I keep on dreaming she's going to kill me, to I feel like she wants to kill me, to SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME and SHE HAS ALREADY TRIED TO KILL ME A BUNCH OF TIMES. Ok, accusing someone of attempting to kill you is a REALLY serious thing to say. Like, no person in their right mind would make such outrageous claims. In fact, it's pretty easily construed as illegal.
Kelly claims it's all editing, but they didn't edit her to act that way. She was clearly not alright. I've honest to god never seen ANYONE behave like that before. Plus, we already know she has a record of violence. Recall she was arrested last year for assaulting her (then?) boyfriend.
But I will say what is creepy is that she is so obsessed with Bethenny. She puts entirely too much time into caring about what Bethenny does and doesn't do, is or isn't. It's a little strange. Who cares if Bethenny is a cook or a chef, it's pretty much fucking semantics.
And poor Sonja. You know I wasn't too keen on her at first, but now I am becoming a big Sonja fan. She's an unabashed am I! So i appreciate that. Also, she seems to be an all around well-intentioned, fun-loving woman. Also, she is writing a toaster oven cookbook!! However, she is perpetually being left with Kelly. At least Sonja was aware enough of the situation to be the one to say first hold up we've got to back up because this woman is unbalanced.
Back in New York Jill is plotting whisking herself away to St. John where no doubt the women will be overly pleased to see her. Jill is doing to Bethenny what Jill a few episodes ago was freaking out about happening--a surprise I'M HERE LET'S TALK! session. Or as Jill called it an ambush.
Also, we need more episodes with less Luann like this one. Luann is the single most boorish woman I've seen on reality tv. She's like a less self-aware female version of Spencer Pratt
In all, this episode came close to the table flip episode as far as epicness goes. It was up there.
Speaking of up there, on an unrelated post I just have to share with everyone this great rooftop bar i went to yesterday with a friend of mine! Top of the Strand in mid-town. The rooftop bar was fabulous, the drinks were creative and the view was spectacular.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dinner and a Musical
Tonight I technically made two dishes from Skinny Italian. That's because to make the final dish, I had to make the base dish. First I made the Quickie Tomato Sauce, which served as the base to Gabriella's Bolognese Sauce! To quote The Soup, so meaty. A pound of meat to be exact.
I made the bolognese because I thought something hearty would do well tonight. It's been miserable and rainy all day. I've been equally miserable. So I needed something heartwarming and comforting. It delivered.

At the Deli, where the employees there are so amiable, they were kind enough to give me a delicious loaf of Italian bread on the house!

So I simmered the the sauce for more than an hour. With sauce I do believe it's a general consensus the longer the simmer, the better the sauce. Well the hour plus of cooking, the kitchen smelled AMAZING! And the dinner, which included cavatelli (as per Teresa's suggestion) al dente.

Next meal will likely be cookin' this Saturday. I'll definitly be dishing my thoughts on the Real Housewives of New York on Friday, so check back then for an update!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Episode III
Anyway, some thoughts on the episode. First off, Caroline. I appreciate that she doesn't bull shit, but that said I do think she can be a little overbearing. It came across somewhat in her segment with Jacqueline. Speaking of Jacqueline, watching her interact with her daughter is kind of funny because it reminds me of the way my mother and sister interact. It only makes sense that Ashley and my Sister got along when they went to high school together.
Watching the show people always reflect how level headed Danielle's children seem. However, I've heard from someone that has spent time with her kids that they're pretty different from their television portrayal. Until tonight anyway. I had heard that Danielle's eldest is fairly disrespectful and rude, and I think there was a real sense of that in tonight's episode. I found much of her behavior bratty. I know 15 is a rough age, but for god's sake, you're at fashion week! The closest I've ever been to fashion week is walking down the stairs at Bryant Park while on lunch break, breaking a heel (of a Bruno Magli no less) and getting quickly snapped by a photographer for it!
Onto Dina's house. My god the aesthetic could not be anymore different than mine. The leather couch she and Teresa were sitting on looked very comfortable, but I do not think I'd put that in my house personally (I'm not so keen on larger furniture). But, speaking of Dina's decor vs. her spirituality, I would recommend getting rid of some of the superfluous stuff! There's just SO much in her house, and I've read that too much stuff in a room can really mess up the energy.
I am cooking dinner on Tuesday night. I am not traditional in any sense of the word, so dinner will not be ready by 5pm. In fact, I'll just be getting out of work by then (guess I'm just not pretty enough, hence the job)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Take Two

Actually getting ready to make this dish was fun. I went to a great, local Italian Deli in my town, A&S Fine Foods. It's a great place. The people there are very friendly and gregarious. The selection that they offer is fabulous. They have fantastic imports from Italy and fresh options! When they found out I was making dinner for my mother and myself they asked what time the food would be ready, because they'd be there with red wine and cigars for Dad (sadly Dad is no longer with us, otherwise I'd be making dinner for him, too).
I picked up an interesting ingredient for this dish at A&S. The recipe called for peas and I will be honest, I do not really care for peas (I swear I do like veggies! You might think otherwise between my portobello mushroom ambivalence and my pea disdain! But I really do!). It's a combination of the taste and texture. Anyway, one of the gentlemen at A&S said he didn't like peas either until he had the peas they have in Italy. So i bought a bottle: The peas are baby peas and are kept in a jar with water with a salt and sugar. Almost like they're pickled, but not really. Anyway, they weren't bad as far as peas go, but the texture still gets me!

Onto the dish. Not so spectacular. My mother conjectures I must have made too much pasta, but I don't think I did. We honestly couldn't taste very much. There was smoked ham in it, but I couldn't even really get a great feel for that. I am not sure I would try this again. I might try it again and try it with less pasta. Who knows, maybe I didn't mix the ingredients well enough together in the pot.
That said, it was easier to make than the last dish. Prep work was easy (just chopping) and the actual cooking time was under ten minutes. So props for simplicity. However, the prep work DID kick my ass, or eyes , I should say. I was crying while chopping an onion! Note how red they are!

Anyway, enjoy your Saturday night, all! I'll have a dish update sometime next week. Maybe Tuesday!
Friday, May 14, 2010
New York Ladies
I have a question. Do people really like Kelly? I mean, I don't see how or why. The woman is a certifiably idiotic. The fact that she's a "journalist" is something I find vaguely insulting. Not even vaguely. She literally does not know how to put words coherently together. When she speaks it's like an onslaught of stupidity. The lemons/lemonade thing? Her insistence at going after someone who had just lost a parent with inane arguments? The woman should really get her voice box surgically removed to make up for the lack of mental filter/brain. What an idiot!
Speaking of voice boxes, what about Luann. She's really setting up a successful career...for whatever Drag Queens decide to do a "Countess" show (am I right?). And as I tweeted a week ago: money cannot buy you class, but it can buy you an autotuner. If you missed it Jezebel uploaded some clips of Luann singing on the show, and on Watch What Happens.
Anyway, I'm having a low-key friday night. My mother is at her Gourmet Group, the younger sister is god only knows, so I am going to settle in with some Thai food from Malee Thai, a delicious Hefe (my favorite style of beer) and watch the Soup!

Anyway, next recipe blog should be up on Saturday. Make sure to check it out!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The First Supper

So, what did I make? Penne with Portobello Mushroom Sauce! I was a little ambivalent about this dish at first because of how I feel about portobellos. We haven't always had the best relationship, and I sometimes find portobellos a bit overwhelming. Last time I used them it was a disaster. However, it worked really well in this dish. Very delicious, and a hearty thank you to The Wine Seller in Ridgewood, NJ for directing me to it!
But I seriously cooked the hell out of those portobellos! I mean, they were sauteeing for nearly 30 minutes! However, I am glad that I tried this recipe as the end result was really very delicious, and once again has made me rethink the way I feel about mushrooms (I'm totally working on working with them!). I did also enjoy that there was red wine vinegar in this dish. In fact, it was probably the addition of the vinegar that helped balance out the mushrooms to make them more agreeable to my personal tastes! Further, the wine I bought to drink tonight was also an acidic wine.

For the most part I followed the recipe, I might have added a bit more garlic than instructed, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE garlic! Cannot get enough of it. Though, I will say that I do sometimes have a tendency to over-season. I'm a former smoker, so I used to be able to handle industrial strength spice. Now that I've stopped I need to learn that I don't need to over season now that my ability to taste has made a come back!
On the whole a good recipe. I would recommend it and I would definitely say cook the portobellos as long as you can!

i apologize for the cell phone quality photos; i was too lazy to find my good digital camera (I had just gotten back from work so cut me some slack)!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Reflecting Before Tomorrow's Cooking Debut
Speaking of cold, I'm having the blogger version of cold feet. Don't worry, I'm not going to not cook! I'm just getting anxious because I realized how daunting making all this food is actually going to be! Cooking can be an ordeal. The supplies, the prep, the cleaning-on top of that I'll be doing this after a long day at work and a train commute home! All my friends can attest to the fact that I'm high strung, especially when it comes to food. I for one am not surprised that I'm somewhat stressed about the task ahead of me. I can only imagine the stress the woman behind the Julie&Julia blog (the blog that this blog kind of parodies) must have felt cooking more than 500 recipes!
Perhaps I'll have to make sure to drink a few of Teresa's Bellissimo Bellinis whenever I find myself stressed in the kitchen (and anyone who cooks can tell you drinking is some of the fun of cooking)!
Oh! And what am I going to make tomorrow? Well, I went to the Market Basket and bought all my supplies, but you're just going to have to come back and see for yourself!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Some Thoughts On Episode II
But onto a thought from last night: who throws a luncheon to honor someone's accomplishments without inviting them? The evidence of a cluster b personality disorder (which often manifest in victims of abuse) keeps on piling up.*
While my mother was driving me to the train station today we talked briefly about the interactions between Danielle and the other women. My mother said Danielle had better find a way to interact with them more often or she might get the boot. It made me think of a tweet that Ms. Staub posted a few days back asking her followers to tweet Andy Cohen that they love her. Makes one think.
I spent last night looking through the Skinny Italian cook book and decided that I'm going to make two-three dishes a week. The book features just over 60 recipes, so that will keep my busy for sometime!
Make sure to check back on Thursday! I'll have something, to take a quote from Teresa, delicious and juicy to share as I post my first Skinny Italian cooking experience!
*disclaimer: I'm not a psychiatrist, I'm financial journalist. This is just an observation of mine.
Monday, May 10, 2010
In the Beginning
It all started last week when a friend and I went to the Borders at the Columbus Circle Mall to meet Real Housewife Teresa Giudice. It’s funny, the two of us from Bergen County, very close to where they film Real Housewives leaving the state to see a fellow Jersey Girl as opposed to going to the closer-to-home Book-Ends in Ridgewood, NJ (though in my defense, I do work in Manhattan, so I was already there!).
Back at home my mother and I flipped through the pages of Teresa’s book impressed (though not surprised given her heritage) at the authenticity of her recipes. I joked, wouldn’t it be funny if I started a blog a la Julie & Julia, where I cooked my way through Teresa's cookbook. My mother suggested I pitch a show to Andy Cohen (Andy, if you're reading, I'm open to negotiations). However, I decided it would be best to start off someplace more easily accessed (and more realistic).
So join me as I cook and eat my way through Skinny Italian, weigh in on the second season of the Housewives, and enjoy “La Bella Vita.”

I'm the pasty one (duh!)