It all started last week when a friend and I went to the Borders at the Columbus Circle Mall to meet Real Housewife Teresa Giudice. It’s funny, the two of us from Bergen County, very close to where they film Real Housewives leaving the state to see a fellow Jersey Girl as opposed to going to the closer-to-home Book-Ends in Ridgewood, NJ (though in my defense, I do work in Manhattan, so I was already there!).
Back at home my mother and I flipped through the pages of Teresa’s book impressed (though not surprised given her heritage) at the authenticity of her recipes. I joked, wouldn’t it be funny if I started a blog a la Julie & Julia, where I cooked my way through Teresa's cookbook. My mother suggested I pitch a show to Andy Cohen (Andy, if you're reading, I'm open to negotiations). However, I decided it would be best to start off someplace more easily accessed (and more realistic).
So join me as I cook and eat my way through Skinny Italian, weigh in on the second season of the Housewives, and enjoy “La Bella Vita.”

I'm the pasty one (duh!)
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