What do you guys think, did Kelly forget to take her drugs or does she have one hell of a coke hook-up down on the Virgin Islands?
Ok, not that I should joke because in all seriousness that was bizarre and strange and god knows. I've always kind of thought that Kelly had some delusions of grandeur about herself, and that yeah maybe she was in la la land half the time. But last night Kelly not only had a psychotic break from reality, she had one from la la land. There was nothing la-la-ish about that at all. She was paranoid, delusional, and making no sense (which I did not think this woman could make any less sense than what we've already seen). I mean, as the night progressed her claims became more extreme. From I keep on dreaming she's going to kill me, to I feel like she wants to kill me, to SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME and SHE HAS ALREADY TRIED TO KILL ME A BUNCH OF TIMES. Ok, accusing someone of attempting to kill you is a REALLY serious thing to say. Like, no person in their right mind would make such outrageous claims. In fact, it's pretty easily construed as illegal.
Kelly claims it's all editing, but they didn't edit her to act that way. She was clearly not alright. I've honest to god never seen ANYONE behave like that before. Plus, we already know she has a record of violence. Recall she was arrested last year for assaulting her (then?) boyfriend.
But I will say what is creepy is that she is so obsessed with Bethenny. She puts entirely too much time into caring about what Bethenny does and doesn't do, is or isn't. It's a little strange. Who cares if Bethenny is a cook or a chef, it's pretty much fucking semantics.
And poor Sonja. You know I wasn't too keen on her at first, but now I am becoming a big Sonja fan. She's an unabashed oversharer...so am I! So i appreciate that. Also, she seems to be an all around well-intentioned, fun-loving woman. Also, she is writing a toaster oven cookbook!! However, she is perpetually being left with Kelly. At least Sonja was aware enough of the situation to be the one to say first hold up we've got to back up because this woman is unbalanced.
Back in New York Jill is plotting whisking herself away to St. John where no doubt the women will be overly pleased to see her. Jill is doing to Bethenny what Jill a few episodes ago was freaking out about happening--a surprise I'M HERE LET'S TALK! session. Or as Jill called it an ambush.
Also, we need more episodes with less Luann like this one. Luann is the single most boorish woman I've seen on reality tv. She's like a less self-aware female version of Spencer Pratt
In all, this episode came close to the table flip episode as far as epicness goes. It was up there.
Speaking of up there, on an unrelated post I just have to share with everyone this great rooftop bar i went to yesterday with a friend of mine! Top of the Strand in mid-town. The rooftop bar was fabulous, the drinks were creative and the view was spectacular.

Hey girl /excellent job- and everything looks sooo yummy!!! @latinabug_nj