I have a question. Do people really like Kelly? I mean, I don't see how or why. The woman is a certifiably idiotic. The fact that she's a "journalist" is something I find vaguely insulting. Not even vaguely. She literally does not know how to put words coherently together. When she speaks it's like an onslaught of stupidity. The lemons/lemonade thing? Her insistence at going after someone who had just lost a parent with inane arguments? The woman should really get her voice box surgically removed to make up for the lack of mental filter/brain. What an idiot!
Speaking of voice boxes, what about Luann. She's really setting up a successful career...for whatever Drag Queens decide to do a "Countess" show (am I right?). And as I tweeted a week ago: money cannot buy you class, but it can buy you an autotuner. If you missed it Jezebel uploaded some clips of Luann singing on the show, and on Watch What Happens.
Anyway, I'm having a low-key friday night. My mother is at her Gourmet Group, the younger sister is god only knows, so I am going to settle in with some Thai food from Malee Thai, a delicious Hefe (my favorite style of beer) and watch the Soup!

Anyway, next recipe blog should be up on Saturday. Make sure to check it out!
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